February 29, 2016

Ukrayna: 22-28 Şubat 2016 haftasının ana başlıkları

22 – 28 Şubat 2016 haftası "Digest ve Analitik Ukrayna"’dan ana başlıkları

Parlamento koalisyonu yok? - Cumhurbaşkanlığı ekibi Başbakanı kaldırmak için çalışır - Milli Güvenlik Kurulu tutanaklarının yayınlanması ile skandal - Vizesiz rejimi tehdit altında - UMB Grivna düşüşü sadece sınırlamaktadır - Maydan’da protestolar bitmiştir - Savcılık reform istemiyor - Mahkumlar ve rehinelerin değişimi "Cumhuriyetler" kilidi açıldı - Ukrayna, NATO ile iş birliğini genişlenir - Kırım işgalinin ikinci yıl dönümü

February 23, 2016

Ukrayna: 15 – 21 Şubat 2016 haftasının ana başlıkları

15 – 21 Şubat 2016 haftası "Digest ve Analitik Ukrayna"’dan ana başlıkları

Parlamento koalisyonunun canlı olup olmadığını bilinmiyor – Verhovna Rada Hükümet istifasını suya batırmıştır – ‘Çift diple vize yasası’ – Başsavcı Şokin istifa etmiştir – Minsk görüşmeleri bir kenara koyulmuş – Transit savaşı bitmiştir – Maydan katliamı ikinci yıldönümü – Grivna düşmesi devam etmektedir –  Rusya “Yanukoviç borcunu” gene istemektedir – Kaçan otomobilin yolcusunu vuran polis tutuklanmıştır - ABD Ukrayna ordunun NATO standartlara geçirmesini istiyormuş  – Türkiye-Ukrayna ortak düşmanı

February 19, 2015

2015/02/18 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - Presidente Poroshenko vuole invitare le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite in Ucraina.

Presidente Poroshenko vuole invitare le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite in Ucraina.

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 2015/02/18 dall'agenzia di stampa "Digest & Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

Esercito ucraino con le perdite ha lasciato  Debaltseve. Al Regionale Efremov è stata presentato un'altra carica. Presidente Poroshenko vuole invitare le forze di pace delle Nazioni Unite in Ucraina. Dollaro continua a salire.

December 23, 2014

Dicembre 15-21 2014 Ucraina: I temi principali della settimana - L’Ocidente sollecita riforme vere in Ucraina in cambio di un sostegno finanziario

I temi principali della settimana 15-21 Dicembre 2014 l'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

L’Ocidente sollecita riforme vere in Ucraina in cambio di un sostegno finanziario. NSDC diventa un altro organo di governo dello stato. La crisi energetica in Ucraina è in crescita. Il presidente degli Stati Uniti ha firmato una legge sul sostegno dell'Ucraina. UE, Stati Uniti e Canada hanno imposto sanzioni severe contro le imprese della Crimea occupata. Scandalo scoppiato con il "convoglio umanitario" del Fondo di Akhmetov.

15-22 December 2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights - The West urges Ukraine real reforms in exchange for financial assistance

Запад требует от Украины реальных реформ в обмен на финансовую поддержк

15-21 December 2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

The West urges Ukraine real reforms in exchange for financial support. NSDC becomes another governing body of the state. The energy crisis in Ukraine is growing. The US president signed a law on the support of Ukraine. EU, US and Canada imposed strict sanctions against businesses in occupied Crimea. Scandal erupted with the "humanitarian convoy" of Akhmetov’s Fund.

December 03, 2014

11/30/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Former interior minister Lutsenko was elected the parliamentary coalition coordinator

Координатором парламентской коалиции избран бывший министр внутренних дел Луценко

11/30/2014 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Daily Topics 

Former interior minister Lutsenko was elected the parliamentary coalition coordinator. Heavy fighting continues for Donetsk airport. Patriarch Constantinoplsky and the Pope have called for conflict sides to achieve peace in Ukraine. Russia considers occupied Crimea as a free economic zone.

11/29/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highligts - A “Night of Remembrance” was held last night on Maydan

На Майдане в годовщину избиения студентов прошла акция “Ночь памяти”

11/29/2014 Daily Highligts by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Daily Topics 

A “Night of Remembrance” was held last night on Maydan – The Independence Square where a year ago police have attacked a peaceful student protest. The “Truce” continues with fierce fighting for the Donetsk airport.

November 22, 2014

21/11/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Ukraine celebrated the anniversary of the Euromaidan’s beginning

Украина отметила День Независимости и Свободы массовыми акциями в память героев Небесной Сотни и воинов, погибших на войне с Россией

21/11/2014 Daily Highlights from "Digest & Analytics" news agency

Topics of the day

The coalition agreement has been signed. The new composition of the Verkhovna Rada will meet next week. Ukraine celebrated the anniversary of the Euromaidan’s beginning. The situation in the occupied territories of Donbass is moving to a humanitarian catastrophe.

November 20, 2014

19/11/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Problems of temporary displaced persons. Buildup of Russia’s military presence in Ukraine.

Бывший президент Украины Кучма, который вел в Минске переговоры от имени Украины, назвал их продолжение бесперспективным

19/11/2014 Daily Highlights from "Digest & Analytics" news agency

Topics of the day

Problems of temporary displaced persons. Buildup of Russia’s military presence in Ukraine. Prosecutor General's report on the investigation into the persecution of activists of the Maidan.

November 19, 2014

18/11/2014 Ukraine:Daily Highlights - Energy security. Reform of law enforcement agencies

Премьер-министр Яценюк предложил премьер-министру Норвегии Солберг участвовать в модернизации украинской газотранспортной системы

18/11/2014 Daily Highlights from "Digest & Analytics" news agency

Topics of the day

Energy security. Reform of law enforcement agencies. Investigation of crimes against Maidan activists. Preparations to expel Russian invasion in Donbass.

August 18, 2014

11-17.08.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

11-17.08.2014 - Ukraine Weekly Highlights
War in Ukraine
  • Cities of Donbass slide into chaos due to continuous terrorists shelling - water and electricity supply have been cut of in Luhansk since two weeks, water supply have been as well cut in Donetsk. Residential areas being chaotically shelled, civilians being killed. Terrorists blast bridges and railroads, systematically destroying the region infrastructure. Antiterrorist Operation Forces opened humanitarian corridors to let civilians leave the battlegrounds, but militants bar the evacuation, considering to use civilians as a live shield.
  • Fights are ongoing in regional centers of Donbass - Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukrainian army took over the control of Maryinka, Yuasinuvata, Panteleymonovka, Zhdanovka and Uglegorsk.

August 16, 2014

15.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

International journalists evidenced Russian APCs cross ing Ukrainian border.
  • Financial Minister Shlapak stressed at the briefing, that major state lotteries «MSL», «Patriot», «UNL» are illegal and suggested to boycott them, as well as to legalize the gambling business, rationalizing this by need to fulfill the budget.
  • UAH exchange rate of slightly declined and keeps at the level of historical minimum: 13.13 UAH / 1$ (-4 cop), 17.57 UAH / 1€ (-8 cop), 3.64 UAH / 10 RUR (-3 cop). As mentioned by latest trading participants, NBU intervened under the Fx rate of 13.0 UAH / 1$. From 15th of August NBU will publish the status of the interbank currency exchange on its web site.

August 13, 2014

12.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

"Humanitarian aid" convoy is approaching by the route not agreed with Ukraine.
  • Ukrainian Parliament adopted in first reading the law on sanctions, that in specialists opinion looks to be even worse than the analogous one, enforced during the Yanukovych rule, limiting citizens rights and going against the constitution. Second reading of the law on sanctions and lustration are planned by Verkhovna Rada on August 14th. Law on tax free regime for the humanitarian aid for Ukrainian Army was as well adopted in the first reading. Verkhovna Rada created in Crimea free economic zone for 10 years with special functioning regime, management of the zone will be conducted by the state management company. Also, by the legislative means, parliament changed the justice proceedings, prejudicial inquiry, use of weapons and detention order of the subjects, engaged in terrorism, on the territory, where there are combat actions. None of the options of the law on elections, provided by various deputies fractions, including the one with open lists, failed to be supported by sufficient amount of votes.

August 11, 2014

4-10.08.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

August 04-10, 2014 Ukraine:Weekly Highlights
War in Ukraine
  • Russia continue to concentrate invasive military units on Ukrainian border, continuously shelling Ukrainian military strongholds and cities from its territory, supply LPR and DPR terrorists with armored vehicles, artillery, ammunition and mercenaries through parts of the border not covered by Ukrainian border guards.
  • Ukrainian army, contain terrorists forces near big cities, advance to their territories, recently cut the supply between Donetsk and Luhansk, successfully combat near the border and liberated Popasna and Miusinsk. Terrorists are trying to build massive strongholds in big sites and use civilians as a shield.

10/08/2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Acivists tents and scene have been fully dismantled on Maidan.
  • Odessa Anti-Maidan leder Davydchenko, conditionally charged by Odessa court on accusation for separatism, fled from Ukraine.
  • Acivists tents and scene have been fully dismantled on Maidan, traffic zones of Khreshatyk and nearby streets have been cleared. Mayor Klitchko promised to keep Institutska street as pedestrian area.

August 10, 2014

09/08/2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Monument to Soviet soldiers on Saur-Mohyla hill have been suffered by artillery in the result of heavy fighting
  • Lustration committee hold a meeting near Verkhovna Rada, urging deputies to adopt the Law on Lustration on the nearest session planned on August 12.
  • Supporters and opposers of Kharkiv mayor Kernes clashed on parallel strikes.
  • Common cleaning have been conducted on Maidan and most of tents have been dismantled despite activists opposed and fired tires. Mayor Klitchko took active part in the activity. Only scene, few tents and carcass of the christmas tree remained on Maidan, as well as block stones and tile, for further renovation of pedestrian areas.