January 31, 2015

2015/01/30 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - In Uglegorsk e Debaltsevo ponte proseguono feroci combattimenti.

In Uglegorsk e Debaltsevo ponte proseguono feroci combattimenti.

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 2015/01/30 dall'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

In Uglegorsk e Debaltsevo ponte proseguono feroci combattimenti. Aumenta il numero di vittime tra la popolazione del  Donbass durante i bombardamenti da militanti. Presidente Poroshenko ha firmato un decreto sulle misure supplementari per la mobilitazione. Il tasso di cambio ha superato il segno psicologico di 16 UAH / $. Il gruppo di contatto per risolvere la crisi del Donbass è pronta a tenere una riunione il 31 gennaio.

30/01/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Fierce fighting continues in Uglegorsk and Debaltseve foothold

Fierce fighting continues in Uglegorsk and Debaltseve foothold

01/30/2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

Fierce fighting continues in Vuglegirs'k and Debaltseve foothold. The number of casualties among the Donbass citizens is increasing due to the militants shelling. President Poroshenko signed a decree on additional measures for mobilization. The exchange rate of hryvnia has exceeded the psychological mark of 16 UAH / USD. The contact group to resolve the crisis in the Donbass is ready to hold a meeting on January 31.

Key Events In Ukraine

  • President Poroshenko signed a decree on additional measures to ensure partial mobilization. A number of tasks were set for the government: to develop measures to regulate reservists travels abroad; on the improvement of the medical examination procedures; on the staffing of  military offices by trained officer personnel; on ensuring social and psychological rehabilitation of servicemen who took part in the fighting.
  • Established a medal "Defender of the Fatherland" for rewarding war veterans and those who have shown courage and bravery in protecting national interests and security of Ukraine.
  • A number of laws were signed: the reinstatement of the officers who have fallen under the lustration in military service; amending the laws governing the financial services market; on leave for the workers on the territory of the antiterrorist operation; about changes in the Budget Code in the allocation of local budgets; on absentia conviction of persons declared in interstate and/or international wanted list. Last law allows to bring to justice those close to the former President Yanukovych guilty of crimes against the activists of the Maidan and sheltering abroad or in the combat zone.
  • Poroshenko appointed a new president of the National Commission on Securities and Stock Market which is responsible for regulating the turnover of shares and investment climate in the country. The Commission will also be a regulator of the insurance market.
  • Presidential decree abolished the Committee on Intelligence and sacked its chairman Smeshko appointed in October 2014. It was decided to establish a Joint Committee on the Intelligence Activities under the President.
  • The second session of the Verkhovna Rada will start on February 3.
  • Fighters from volunteer battalion "Aydar hold protest at the front of the Ministry of Defence against the disbandment of unit under the guise of its reorganization.
  • Arrested Journalists of Russian propaganda channel "LifeNews" have been deported from Ukraine. They are banned from entering the country for five years.
  • General Prosecutor Office resumes criminal investigation on the sale of shares of the largest Ukrainian TV channel "Inter" in 2005.
  • The decline in the economy and real wages, military operations and the annexation of the Crimea public debt for utilities rose to 14.7 billion UAH.
  • The State Mortgage Institution plans to refinance the banks issuing loans for the purchase of residential property at the rate of not more than 18% per annum.
  • Natural gas supplies from Europe increased, reaching almost 45 million m3 per day.
  • National Bank has reduced the official rate of hryvnia, passes the critical level of 16 hryvnyas per US dollar: 16.16 UAH / USD (+0.21 UAH),18.28 UAH/ EUR (+0,18 UAH), 2.35 UAH / 10 RUR (-0.03 UAH).

Kyiv Life

  • A pilot project to introduce parking machines on the streets of the capital failed due to inactivity of the administrative committee of the city council and the reluctance to break the corruption scheme with cash payment for parking.

Ukraine at War

  • Fierce fighting with tanks and all kinds of artillery take place in Vuglegsrsik and Debaltseve outskirts. Militants supported by the Russian army trying to surround and destroy the Ukrainian units on Debaltseve foothold. MLRS "Hurricane" and "Tornado" are used against the Ukrainian troops. Random mortar attacks by militants are continued in Donets'k and Gorlivka to demoralize the people and pass the responsibility to the Ukrainian army. Bombardment of many settlements on the territory controlled by Ukrainian army also took place. Dozens of civilians were killed during the attacks.
  • The evacuation of local residents of Maryinka, Krasnogorivka, Debaltseve is taking place.
  • SBU massively detain supporters of militants in the zone of combat operations, as well as across the country.
  • The contact group to resolve the crisis in the Donbass, which plans to meet on January 31 in Minsk prepared a document on ceasefire, withdrawal of heavy weapons from the line of fighting, there are no restrictions on the supply of goods to the Donbass and the release of the hostages.
  • The Prosecutor's Office is investigating a criminal case on the financing of terrorism by enterprises on the territory controlled by insurgents DNR. Enterprises are owned by a Russian citizen Nusenkis from the circles close to former President Yanukovych.
  • OSCE recorded the movement of large convoy of unmarked trucks and armored vehicles on the territory controlled by insurgents DNR.
  • Russia moves new military equipment directly from the warehouse to support militants through uncontrolled land border Ukraine.
  • Apple and eBay stopped servicing clients in the Crimea.

Ukraine and the World

  • US officials presented a plan to help Ukraine, including the supply of lethal weapons, with the participation of partners in the NATO bloc which armed with military equipment of the former USSR.
  • Council of the EU during a meeting in Brussels has received indisputable evidence of Russia's participation in the armed conflict in the Donbass from Ukraine.
  • Central Bank of Russia is forced to reduce its key interest rate from 17% to 15% per annum due to the risk of a sharp rise in consumer prices and cooling of the economy.
  • The Russian Defense Ministry has adjusted the plan of activities for 2015 taking into the account enhancing army groups in strategic areas and building up the combat potential of the armed forces.
  • Russian prosecutor's office investigates human rights organization "Transparency International” on suspicion of espionage.
  • The largest library in Russia belonging to the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences which had unique publications in a single copy was burned in Moscow.
  • NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said that 2014 was a year of threats growth for the Alliance from terrorists and Russia. During the year NATO has conducted more than 200 exercises.
  • France will provide military equipment to NATO forces stationed in Poland.
  • Latvian authorities reinforce the fight against Russian propaganda after the symbols of "People's Republic of Latvia" appeared on the Internet.


  • Poroshenko decree on legislative regulation of the order of travel abroad by reservists in the absence of the martial law or a special period regime is contrary to the Constitution of Ukraine.

30.01.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - У Вуглегірську та на дебальцевському плацдармі тривають жорстокі бої

У Вуглегірську та на дебальцевському плацдармі тривають жорстокі бої

Головні події і теми дня 30.01.2015 від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести та Аналітика Україна"

Теми дня

У Вуглегірську та на дебальцевському плацдармі тривають жорстокі бої. У ході обстрілів бойовиків збільшується кількість жертв серед населення Донбасу. Президент Порошенко підписав указ про додаткові заходи щодо мобілізації. Валютний курс перевищив психологічну позначку у 16 грн/$. Контактна група з врегулювання кризи в Донбасі готова провести зустріч 31 січня.

30.01.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - В Углегорске и на дебальцевском плацдарме идут жестокие бои

В Углегорске и на дебальцевском плацдарме идут жестокие бои

Главные события и темы дня 30.01.2015 от информационного агентства “Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина”

Темы дня

В Углегорске и на дебальцевском плацдарме идут жестокие бои. Увеличивается количество жертв среди население Донбасса в ходе обстрелов боевиков. Президент Порошенко подписал указ о дополнительных мерах по мобилизации. Валютный курс превысил психологическую отметку 16 грн/$. Контактная группа по урегулированию кризиса в Донбассе готова провести встречу 31 января.

January 30, 2015

2015/01/29 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - Esercito ucraino respinse il tentativo di assalto da parte di militanti a Uglegorsk

Esercito ucraino respinse il tentativo di assalto da parte di militanti a Uglegorsk

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 29/01/2015 per l'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno 

Esercito ucraino respinse il tentativo di assalto da parte di militanti a Uglegorsk. Consiglio dell'Unione europea ha approvato l'estensione delle sanzioni contro la Russia. A Kiev, hanno tenuto una fiaccolata in onore di Heroes di Krut.

29/01/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The Ukrainian army repelled the latest rebel assault on Vuglegors’k

29/01/2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

The Ukrainian army repelled the latest rebel assault on Vuglegors’k. The Council of the EU extended sanctions against Russia. Torchlight march in honor of Kruty Heroes held in Kiev.

29.01.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Українська армія відбила спробу наступу бойовиків під Вуглегорськом

Українська армія відбила спробу наступу бойовиків під Вуглегорськом

Головні події і теми дня 29.01.2015 від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести та Аналітика Україна"

Теми дня

Українська армія відбила спробу наступу бойовиків під Вуглегорськом. Рада ЄС погодила подовження санкцій проти Росії. У Києві відбулася смолоскипна хода на честь Героїв Крут.

29.01.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - Украинская армия отбила попытку наступления боевиков под Углегорском

Украинская армия отбила попытку наступления боевиков под Углегорском

Главные события и темы дня 29.01.2015 от информационного агентства “Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина”

Темы дня

Украинская армия отбила попытку наступления боевиков под Углегорском. Совет ЕС согласовал продление санкций против России. В Киеве состоялось факельное шествие в честь Героев Крут.

January 29, 2015

2015/01/28 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - La Russia hanno privato il diritto di voto nell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa.

La Russia hanno privato il diritto di voto nell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa.

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 28/01/2015 per l'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno 

La Russia hanno privato il diritto di voto nell'Assemblea parlamentare del Consiglio d'Europa.

28/01/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe suspends Russia's voting rights.

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe suspends Russia's voting rights.

28/01/2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe suspends Russia's voting rights.

Key Events In Ukraine

  • President Poroshenko reinstated Vorobyov who was fired according to the rules of the "On the cleansing power" law as Deputy Chief of General Staff.
  • Financial Monitoring Service has submitted documents providing evidence of money laundering by officials of ex-President Yanukovych regime in the amount of approximately $1.5 billion to law enforcement agencies and fiscal authorities .
  • Ministry of Education and Science announced the suspension of cooperation with Russia.
  • State Architectural and Construction Inspectorate reported that since March 2015 the citizens would be able to legalize unauthorized buildings during the "building amnesty".
  • Ukraine and the United States signed the Declaration on the Granting of a financial guarantee of $2 billion under condition that Ukrainian authorities will provide the reforms.
  • National Bank left the official FX rate of hryvnia (UAH) almost unchanged: 15.87 UAH / USD (-0.03 UAH), 17.94 UAH / EUR (+0,06 UAH), 2.34 UAH / 10 RUR (-0.08 UAH ).

Kyiv Life

  • Kyiv City Council approved budget of the capital for 2015 with revenues of 22 bln UAH and spendings of 20 bln UAH. Revenue from property tax will be less than 1%. The budget surplus will be spent on medical drugs and meals in hospitals. Official subvention from the state budget is planned in the amount of 8.2 billion UAH.
  • Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate is deprived of benefits in payment of land tax.
  • Law enforcing authorities stopped the construction of four large residential complexes being built without permits by developers.
  • Kyiv City Council has recognized Russia as the aggressor.

Ukraine at War

  • Number of shelling and attacks by militants on the Ukrainian positions and residential areas in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions increased. The situation in the areas of Debaltseve and "Bahmutka" highway remains extremely tense. Russia has increased the supply of military equipment and ammunition  to terrorists through the state border which is not controlled by Ukraine.
  • The Cabinet of Ministers decided to increase the salary of soldiers and introduced additional payments for the destruction of the enemy’s military equipment.
  • Head of the SBU Nalyvaichenko said that the bodies of dead Russian soldiers and mercenaries are burned in mobile crematoria by Russian commands.

Ukraine and the World

  • Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted a resolution demanding from Russia Ukrainian pilot Savchenko within 24 hours and bring her back home or transfer to a third party. RF categorically refused to comply with the resolution. PACE suspends Russian voting right in the Assembly for three months and applied other diplomatic sanctions, including a ban on participation in all activities of the organization. The Russian delegation demonstratively left the meeting and announced the termination of participation in the Assembly till the end of 2015. Russia is seriously considering the possibility of withdrawing from the Council of Europe and the termination of participation in the European Convention on Human Rights.
  • At the same time, PACE has not recognized the DNR and LNR as terrorist organizations, as requested by the Ukrainian delegation.
  • US Assistant Secretary of State Nuland stated that the sanctions against the Russian Federation need to be strengthened due to its aggressive policy and urged countries of NATO to take part in the creation of a rapid response forces.
  • President Poroshenko declined the request of Russian President Putin to consider the current positions of the parties as a line of separation in the Donbass and insists on the release of Ukrainian citizen Savchenko detained in a Moscow prison.
  • The Russian Foreign Ministry has threatened Ukraine with inevitable escalation of the conflict and accused the Ukrainian army for crimes committed by pro-Russian rebels in the Donbas.


  • The West emphasized to the Ukrainian Government that the main condition of the financial assistance and new credits will be carrying out serious reforms in Ukraine.
  • Coming of pro-Russian forces to the power in Greece may complicate the process of introducing of new EU sanctions against Russia.

28.01.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Росію позбавлено права голосу в Парламентській асамблеї Ради Європи

Росію позбавлено права голосу в Парламентській асамблеї Ради Європи

Головні події і теми дня 28.01.2015 від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести та Аналітика Україна"

Теми дня

Росію позбавлено права голосу в Парламентській асамблеї Ради Європи.

28.01.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - Россия лишена права голоса в Парламентской ассамблее Совета Европы

Россия лишена права голоса в Парламентской ассамблее Совета Европы

Главные события и темы дня 28.01.2015 от информационного агентства “Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина”

Темы дня

Россия лишена права голоса в Парламентской ассамблее Совета Европы.

January 28, 2015

2015/01/27 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - Verkhovna Rada ha riconosciuto la Russia come l'aggressore

Verkhovna Rada ha riconosciuto la Russia come l'aggressore

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 2015/01/27 dall'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

Verkhovna Rada ha riconosciuto la Russia come l'aggressore. Alcuni alti ufficiali necessari al fronte, possono evitare lustrazione. APCE invita la Russia di liberare pilota ucraina Savchenko.

27/01/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The Verkhovna Rada recognized Russia as an aggressor

The Verkhovna Rada recognized Russia as an aggressor

01/27/2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

The Verkhovna Rada recognized Russia as an aggressor. Senior military officers engaged in a combat in Donbas may avoid lustration from the armed forces. PACE calls on Russia to free Ukrainian pilot Ms. Savchenko.

27.01.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Верховна Рада визнала Росію агресором

Верховна Рада визнала Росію агресором

Головні події і теми дня 27.01.2015 від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести та Аналітика Україна"

Теми дня 

Верховна Рада визнала Росію агресором. Деякі вищі офіцери, необхідні на фронті, можуть уникнути люстрації. ПАРЄ вимагає від Росії звільнення української льотчиці Савченко.

27.01.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - Верховная Рада признала Россию агрессором

Верховная Рада признала Россию агрессором.

Главные события и темы дня 27.01.2015 от информационного агентства “Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина”

Темы дня 

Верховная Рада признала Россию агрессором. Некоторые высшие офицеры, необходимые на фронте, могут избежать люстрации. ПАСЕ требует от России освобождения украинской летчицы Савченко.

January 27, 2015

2015/01/26 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - Pesanti combattimenti in corso al ponte di Debaltsevo

Тяжелые бои идут на Дебальцевском плацдарме

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 26/01/2015 per l'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

Cabinetto ha annunciato l'introduzione dello stato di emergenza nel Donbass. Pesanti combattimenti in corso al ponte di Debaltsevo. ONU incline a riconoscere Russia come sponsor del terrorismo. Riconosciuto immunità internazionale di pilota ucraina Savchenko,che continua scopero della fame in un carcere di Mosca.

26/01/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Heavy fighting continues in the area of the Debaltseve foothold

Тяжелые бои идут на Дебальцевском плацдарме

26/01/2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day

The Cabinet has announced the introduction of the state of emergency in Donbass. Heavy fighting continues in the area of the Debaltseve foothold. The United Nations lean towards recognition Russia as a state sponsoring terrorism. The Ukrainian pilots Savchenko, starving in Moscow prison, granted international immunity .

26.01.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Важкі бої тривають на Дебальцевському плацдармі

На Дебальцевском плацдарме идут тяжелые бои

Головні події і теми дня 26.01.2015 від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести та Аналітика Україна"

Теми дня

Кабмін оголосив про введення режиму надзвичайної ситуації у Донбасі. Важкі бої тривають на Дебальцевському плацдармі. ООН схиляється до визнання Росії спонсором тероризму. Визнано міжнародний імунітет української льотчиці Савченко, що голодує в московській в'язниці.

26.01.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - На Дебальцевском плацдарме идут тяжелые бои

На Дебальцевском плацдарме идут тяжелые бои

Главные события и темы дня 26.01.2015 от информационного агентства “Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина”

Темы дня

Кабмин объявил о введении режима чрезвычайной ситуации в Донбассе. На Дебальцевском плацдарме идут тяжелые бои. ООН склоняется к признанию России спонсором терроризма. Признан международный иммунитет украинской летчицы Савченко, голодающей в московской тюрьме.

January 26, 2015

2015/01/25 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - In una riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale non hanno dichiarato la legge marziale

На экстренном заседании СНБО военное положение не объявлено

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 25/01/2015 per l'agenzia di stampa "Digest e Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

In una riunione di emergenza del Consiglio di Sicurezza Nazionale non hanno dichiarato la legge marziale. I combattimenti nel Donbass non cessano.

25/01/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Martial law was not announced at an emergency meeting of the National Security Council

На экстренном заседании СНБО военное положение не объявлено

25/01/2015 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day 

Martial law was not announced at an emergency meeting of the National Security Council. Fighting in the Donbass doesn’t cease.

25.01.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - На екстреному засіданні РНБО воєнний стан не оголошено

На экстренном заседании СНБО военное положение не объявлено.

Головні події і теми дня 25.01.2015 від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести та Аналітика Україна"

Теми дня 

На екстреному засіданні РНБО воєнний стан не оголошено. Бойові дії у Донбасі не вщухають.