October 04, 2014

03.10.2014 L'Ukraine:Thèses principaux - Alexandre Loukachenko, le président de la République Bélarus a rejeté catégoriquement la possibilité de la reconnaissance DPR et LPR,

Президент республики Беларусь Лукашенко в интервью Euronews категорически отверг возможность признания ДНР и ЛНР

Actualités du jour 03.10.2014 de l`agence d` information "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

La troisième guerre de gaz” de la Russie entre l'Europe et l'Ukraine se déplace à l'arbitrage de Stokholm  sur le fond régulière de la baisse des prix  pétrole. L'aéroport international de Donetsk - la citadelle imprenable pour des militants et des mercenaires russes. Loukachenko, le président dela Biélorusse a peur des effets de la reconnaissance “Novorussie”

03/10/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Belarus President Lukashenko categorically declined a possibility to recognize DPR and LPR,

Президент республики Беларусь Лукашенко в интервью Euronews категорически отверг возможность признания ДНР и ЛНР,  которые МИД России называет “Новороссией”, выступил против аннексии Крыма и за территориальную целостность Украины

03/10/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

“The Third Gas War” between Russia on the one hand and Europe and Ukraine on the other hand is approaching the Stockholm Arbitrage while oil prices are in steady decline. Donetsk International Airport is an impregnable fortress for militants and Russian mercenaries. Belarus President Lukashenko is afraid of the consequences of «Novorossiya» recognition.

September 29, 2014

28.09.2014 L'Ukraine:Thèses principaux - Sur le fond de l'inaction visible des autorités ukrainiennes des hommes armés constamment assautent l'aéroport international de Donetsk

На фоне видимого бездействия украинских властей боевики непрерывно штурмуют Донецкий международный аэропорт

Actualités du jour 28.09.2014 de l`agence d` information "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

Sur le fond de l'inaction visible des autorités ukrainiennes des hommes armés constamment assautent l'aéroport international de Donetsk, attaquent des positions de l'armée ukrainienne, ratissent des quartiers résidentiels des villes et détruisent l’infrastructures dans les territoires placés sous leur administration. A Kharkov les activistes ukrainiens ont transporté la statue de Lénine.

September 23, 2014

22.09.2014 Ukraine: les thèses principaux - La banque nationale tente de stabiliser la situation sur le marché des changes par des méthodes administratives

Украина по итогам 8 месяцев сократила выпуск стали более, чем на треть и выпала из десятки основных мировых производителей.

Actualités du jour 22.09.2014 de l`agence d` information "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

La Banque Nationale tente de stabiliser la situation sur le marché des changes par des méthodes administratives, en stimulant la vente de la monnaie illégale. Sur le fond de la trêve annoncée les attaques des terroristes sur les positions des troupes ukrainiennes et les roquettes des villes continuent, bien que l'intensité totale des collisions a diminué.

September 22, 2014

15-21 septembres 2014 l'Ukraine: Actualités de semain - Parallelement avec le Parlement européen l'Ukraine a ratifié l'accord d'association avec l'UE

Украина ратифицировала соглашение об ассоциации с ЕС параллельно с Европарламентом, но введение его в действие отложено под  давлением России.

Actualités de semain 15-21 septembres d'un seul regard de l`agence d` information "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

Le mémorandum ordinaire de cessez-le-feu avec la participation de“républiques”terroristes DРR et LPR est signé à Minsk. Le président de la Porochenko a tenu par la Verkhovna Rada les lois sur le statut particulier des territoires du Donbass, contrôlé par des  terroristes et d'amnistie des participants des groupes armés illégaux. Parallelement avec le Parlement européen l'Ukraine a ratifié l'accord d'association avec l'UE, mais son introduction dans l'action est reportée sous la pression de la Russie. Le président Porochenko lors de la visite au Canada et aux Etats-Unis n'a pas pu s'entendre sur les livraisons d'armes modernes en Ukraine.

15-21.09.2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights - Ukraine ratified the Association Agreement with the EU in parallel with the European Parliamen

Украина ратифицировала соглашение об ассоциации с ЕС параллельно с Европарламентом, но введение его в действие отложено под  давлением России.
15-21.09.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Another memorandum of ceasefire involving terrorist "republics" DNR and LC was signed in Minsk. President Poroshenko pushed through the Verkhovna Rada a law on a special status of Donbas territories controlled by terrorists and a law on an amnesty for members of illegal armed groups. Ukraine ratified the Association Agreement with the EU in parallel with the European Parliament, but enacting it has been delayed under pressure from Russia. President Poroshenko during his visit to Canada and the United States failed to obtain an agreement on the supply of modern weapons to Ukraine.    

September 21, 2014

20/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Peace memorandum signed in Minsk hasn’t led to the cease-fire from the militants side

Взрыв склада боеприпасов, хранившихся на Донецком казенном заводе, привел к образованию мощной взрывной волны, грибовидное облако поднялось на несколько сот метров

20/09/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Peace memorandum signed in Minsk hasn’t led to the cease-fire from the militants side. Foreign media and officials are skeptical about the results of President Poroshenko visit to the USA. The elections with no lustration lustration in force provide an opportunity for persons who supported terrorism and separatism, as well as those involved in repressions of Maidan, to be elected to the Parliament.

September 20, 2014

19/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Another cease-fire protocol between Russia, Ukraine, OSCE and representatives of LPR and DPR terrorists was signed in Minsk

В Минске подписан очередной протокол о прекращении огня между Россией, Украиной и ОБСЕ с участием представителей террористов из ЛНР и ДНР

19.09.2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Another cease-fire protocol between Russia, Ukraine, OSCE and representatives of LPR and DPR terrorists was signed in Minsk, even though the latter weren’t complying with the the previous one. Economic situation within the country is worsening.

19.09.2014 Ukraine: les thèses principaux - Le protocole ordinaire sur le cessez-le-feu entre la Russie, l'Ukraine et l'OSCE avec la participation de représentants des terroristes de la LPR et DPR est signé à Minsk

В Минске подписан очередной протокол о прекращении огня между Россией, Украиной и ОБСЕ с участием представителей террористов из ЛНР и ДНР

Actualité du jour 19.09.2014 de l`agence d` information “Digests & Analytics Ukraine”

Le protocole ordinaire sur le cessez-le-feu entre la Russie, l'Ukraine et l'OSCE avec la participation de représentants des terroristes de la LPR et DPR est signé  à Minsk, bien que le précédent protocole les terroristes n'ont pas pensé à effectuer. La situation économique du pays continue de se détériorer

September 19, 2014

18.09.2014 Ukraine: les thèses principaux - Le président Porochenko a pris la parole devant la réunion conjointe du Sénat et du Congrès des Etats-Unis

Президент Порошенко выступил на совместном заседании Конгресса и Сената США и встретился с президентом Обамой

Actualité du jour 18.09.2014 de l`agence d` information “Digests & Analytics Ukraine”

En dépit d'une baisse de la production industrielle les perspectives de la politique étrangère de l'Ukraine augmentent rapidement. Le soutien des Etats-Unis, du Canada et de l'UE rend possible un bond dans le développement du pays après la fin des hostilités. Dans le même temps, la Russie mène une formation intensive à l'invasion du territoire de Donbass, de la région de Rostov, de la Crimée et de la Transnistrie.

September 15, 2014

08-14/09/2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights - Heavy fighting continues in Donbass despite of a ceasefire signed

Идут тяжелые бои за Донецкий международный аэропорт
08-14.09.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

The “ceasefire” established in Minsk is not an obstacle for Russian troops and militants in the escalation of the conflict. Sanctions introduced by EU and US are not stopping Russian aggression in Ukraine. Ukrainian politicians are behaving like there is no war in the country. Economic forecasts for Ukraine are disappointing.

September 08, 2014

01-07.09.2014 Ukraine: Weekly Highlights - Summits of EC and NATO, Minsk protocol of truce in East Ukraine

01-07.09.2014 Ukraine Weekly Highlights in brief

01-07.09.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

On behalf of Ukraine, Ex-president of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma has signed a cease-fire protocol with terrorists occupying Donbass, in the presence of Russian ambassador and OSCE representatives. NATO has held a summit in the Wales devoted to policies related to the Russian aggression in Ukraine. The European Parliament have decided to introduce additional sanctions against Russia and its puppets. Political parties are getting ready for the early elections against the backdrop of worsening of the situation in the eastern Ukraine and economic decline.

07/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - A shaky truce has taken hold in Donbas, which is regularly interrupted by terrorists

Наблюдатели ОБСЕ зафиксировали нарушение перемирия в Донецке
07.09.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency
A shaky truce has taken hold in Donbas, which is regularly interrupted by terrorists shelling Ukrainian army positions and sleeping neighborhoods in cities. The exchange of prisoners is ongoing. Russia brings additional military hardware and troops to Donbas.

September 07, 2014

06/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Truce, established by the Minsk Protocol, has been immediately breached by terrorists

Боевики обстреляли из тяжелой артиллерии и установок залпового огня “Град” окраины Мариуполя.

06.09.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Russia pretended as if being ready to deescalate the conflict in Donbass via signing the truce protocol but almost simultaneously breached it via its militants. Europe intends to introduce additional sanctions against Russia on Monday.


  • Central Elections Commission have formed 213 district commissions for the upcoming parliamentary elections planned for 26 of October. Elections will not be held in 12 districts according to the law on occupied territories status.
  • Prime-minister Yatsenyuk has initiated creation of a temporary investigative commission on Ukrainian arms sales operations during the period of 2004-2014.
  • As has been reported by the Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry, due to the combat operations in Donbass, coal mining output declined two folds in August 2014 vs previous year. This puts a significant strain on coal supply for power stations and could push Ukraine to import energy coal.

War In Ukraine

  • OSCE has published text of the cease-fire protocol,which was signed in Minsk by Ukrainian  ex-president Kuchma, Russian Ambassador in Ukraine Zurabov, OSCE representative Tagliavini and terrorist organizations DPR and LPR. The protocol strongly echoes the ultimatum by Russian President Putin proclaimed two days earlier, and contains points that essentially make Ukraine lose control of some territories and undermine its sovereignty.
  • Truce, established by the Minsk Protocol, has been immediately breached  by Russian troops that shoot at a convoy in Luhans’k region, on the territory controlled by Ukrainian military. During the night, terrorists shelled outskirts of Mariupil with heavy artillery and multiple rocket launchers “Grad”. At the same time, the artillery shelling of  Donets’k and Luhans’k has stopped. DPR militants have asked school teachers to start working from Monday, September 8. Russian ruble notes and Russian passports being delivered to Donets’k and Luhans’k. DPR terrorists are attempting to identify civilians loyal to Ukraine via school teachers. Humanitarian aid, escorted by representatives of the International Red Cross, hasn’t been able to reach Luhans’k due to the artillery shelling of the convoy. As per NSDC information, Russia has concentrated around 15 thousand troops on Ukrainian border in Kherson region.
  • SBU has captured several terrorist groups accused of preparing terrorist attacks and collecting intelligence on Ukrainian troops in Mariupil, Luhans’k region and Kyiv.


  • Press Relations department of the European Commission has informed, that the Association Agreement with Ukraine will be ratified via the fast-track procedure during the next session, which will be held in Strasbourg on September 15-18.
  • An open letter by the President of the European Parliament Van Rompuy and the President of the European Commission Barroso declares that additional sanctions against Russia, Crimean authorities, terrorist “republics” and Russian oligarchs will be introduced on September 8.
  • International experts from Malaysia and Australia hope to continue investigations of the Malaysian Airlines MH-17 flight crash site ASAP. Preliminary report on the catastrophe will be published on September 9 in the Hague.
  • Moscow’s Lefortovsky court has put under arrest an Estonian security service employee, who has been kidnapped in Estonia.


  • Ukrainian society questions authorities on legality of the truce protocol signed in Minsk with representatives of terrorists organizations.
  • DPR ad LPR terrorists act according to their initial plans of Donbass cessation from Ukraine and unification with Russia.

September 04, 2014

03/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights -The World is waiting for the decisions of the NATO summit in Wales - Russia builds a new "hot zone" in Eastern Ukraine

Франция отменила сделку по продаже России вертолетоносца “Мистраль” в связи с отсутствием действий РФ по деэскалации агрессии в восточной Украине.

03.09.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Intensity of combat activities have slightly declined in Donbass. Russian troops are strengthening their positions within the seized territories. This could lead to the formation of the "hot zone" in eastern Ukraine, analogous to Transdnestria or Abkhazia. The World is waiting for the decisions of the NATO summit in Wales.

August 31, 2014

30/08/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The EU is ready to apply new sanctions against Russia - The defeat at Ilovais'k requires immediate action

30.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency


  • The criminal case against former head of Kharkiv regional administration M. Dobkin for activities against territorial integrity of the country has been closed in the absence of evidence of a crime.
  • Experts believe that the shooting death of the former head of the State Property Fund V. Semeniuk is not a suicide.
  • Central Elections Committee has registered an initiative of the “Bat’kivschyna” party on holding a referendum about Ukraine joining NATO, which is going to be carried out during parliamentary elections.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine P. Klimkin said that the text of the Association Agreement with the EU can not be changed and will be ratified in its present form.

August 30, 2014

29/08/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Ukraine goes in NATO and the EU - Russian troops with support of mercenaries and terrorists of DPR and LPR are advancing to the Ukrainian territory

Правительство Яценюка внесло в Верховную Раду законопроект об изменении внеблокового статуса Украины, выборе курса на участие в НАТО и ЕС

29.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency


  • Yatsenuk Government has submitted to the Verkhovna Rada a bill to amend non-aligned status of Ukraine. It chooses a course of participation in NATO and the EU, and a ban on participation in any post-Soviet economic, political or military alliances.
  • Authorities in the Donetsk region are preparing housing for temporary refugees for the winter season. These will include summer vacation establishments, which have heating, and those where heating could be easily introduced.

August 29, 2014

28/08/14 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - President Poroshenko has cancelled his official visit to Turkey and issued an order to enforce secret decisions of NSDC - Situation in Donbass have rapidly deteriorated due to invasion by Russian troop

Президент Порошенко отменил свой официальный визит в Турцию на инаугурацию президента Эрдогана в связи с резким ухудшением военной обстановки в Донбассе и фактическим вводом войск России в Украину.

28.08.2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency


  • President Poroshenko has cancelled his official visit to Turkey for the inauguration of the President Erdogan due to a sharp worsening of the situation in Donbass and Russian invasion of Ukraine. In his speech at the NSDC he urged not to panic and called situation in Donbass extremely difficult but controlled. He has also informed that consultations have started at the level of military headquarters of Russia and Ukraine, aimed to establish border control and exchange of prisoners of war. President Poroshenko issued an order to enforce decisions of NSDC from 27th of August. Most parts of the document are being kept secret. He as well approved military plan for Donbass for the nearest future. Deputy head of the Presidential Administration Zubko stressed that introduction of the martial law is of benefit for aggressor, because as he said the country introducing such law can’t receive military and technical support from other countries.
  • As claimed by the Advisor of the Minister of Internal Affairs Gerashenko, the ministry fully supports immediate introduction of the martial law.

August 25, 2014

24/08/2014 Daily Highlights by “Digest & Analytics” News Agency

The Independence Day have been celebrated in Ukraine. Holiday military parade have been conducted on Maidan Nezalezhnosti
  • The Independence Day have been celebrated in Ukraine. Holiday military parade have been conducted on Maidan Nezalezhnosti with participation of military and police units, as well as of various military technology, that after the end of the parade were moving to the zone of antiterrorist operation. President Poroshenko participated both in the parade of land forces in Kyiv and navy ones in Odessa during the same day. In his keynote speech, President Poroshenko promised to allocate 40 bln. UAH (~3 bln.$) for army rearmament during the coming three years.

August 06, 2014

05/08/2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

According to an official statement by the UN Committee for Refugees, as of August 1, number of internally displaced persons in Ukraine exceeded 117,000 people, more than 168,000 have crossed the border of Russia.


  • Pechersky District Court of Kyiv, based on the evidence submitted by the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, decided to arrest citizens of Russian Federation Zyuganov, Zhirinovsky, Shoigu, Tymchenko and Malofeeva for financing of terrorism and incitement to violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine.
  • National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) continue sharp devaluation of the national currency: 12.29 UAH / 1$ (-11 cop), 16.50 UAH / € (-19 cop), 3.45 UAH / 10 RUB 10 (-4 cop).During the day quotes fluctuated within the following ranges: 12,25-12,52 UAH / 1$ 16,39-16,70 UAH / 1€. NBU went on a stock exchange, but this haven’t brought down excessive demand for foreign currencies. The regulator explains the spike by political instability of the last week and hopes to replenish currency reserves from coming sales of agricultural producers.Market traders worked out applications for foreign currency purchases from July 31.
  • President Poroshenko appointed former secretary of the National Security & Defense Council, served during Kuchma times Vladimir Gorbulin, as director of the National Institute for Strategic Studies.
  • The state has decided to increase the capital of "Naftogaz" by 63 billion UAH to 96.6 billion UAH, ie three times, through issue of additional shares and confirmed state ownership. Financing of the transactions will be done through the exchange of sovereign bonds with a yield no higher than 14.3% per annum.