December 05, 2014

02/12/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - The Parliament approved the new Cabinet

Верховная Рада утвердила новый состав Кабинета Министров

02/12/2014 Daily Highlights by "Digests and Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the Day

The Parliament approved the new Cabinet, it will include foreigners who have been granted Ukrainian citizenship. Russian forces suffered heavy casualties while attacking Donetsk airport.

November 26, 2014

25/11/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - SSU has published assessment report on the invading Russian forces

СБУ обнародовала данные о составе сил вторжения России

25/11/2014 Daily Highlights from "Digest & Analytics Ukraine" news agency

Topics of the day

Security Service of Ukraine has published assessment report on the invading Russian forces. Slovakia will increase reverse of the gas supply.

September 12, 2014

11/09/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Russia has intensified its pressure to Ukraine on the energy front

11.09.2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Ukraine is continuing its fight on the energy front under pressure of coal mining infrastructure destructions and cuts in natural gas deliveries to Europian partners by Gazprom.