December 18, 2014

17/12/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - NSDC Secretary Turchynov believes that the situation in the Donbass is far from a settlement

Секретарь СНБО Турчинов считает, что ситуация в Донбассе далека от урегулирования, и Россия может продолжить агрессию

17/12/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Topics of the day

NSDC Secretary Turchynov believes that the situation in the Donbass is far from a settlement and Russia could continue its aggression. Hryvnia (UAH) exchange rate on the interbank market continues to fall. Yet another ceasefire talks in Minsk between Russia, Ukraine, OCSE and terrorist rupublics’ representatives are scheduled for December, 21th.

October 08, 2014

07/10/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Second “silence period” in the combat area was announced

Прокурор, занимающийся расследованием поражения украинских войск в районе Иловайска, заявил, что виновными в происшедшем являются бойцы одного из батальонов, покинувшие свои позиции.

07/10/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Announcement of the second “silence period” in the combat area was breached by militants overnight. OSCE is completely blind of militants breaching the cease-fire. Ukrainian authorities hope to regain control over the state border with international assistance.