May 25, 2015

24.05.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Московський патріарх Кирило звинуватив Україну в безбожництві

Московський патріарх Кирило звинуватив Україну в безбожництві
Московський патріарх Кирило

Головні події і теми дня 24.04.2015 від інформаційного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Теми ЗМІ та соцмереж

  • Московський патріарх Кирило звинуватив Україну в безбожництві.
  • Вибори в Польщі.
  • Оголошено переможців Каннського кінофестивалю.

24.05.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - Московский патриарх Кирилл обвинил Украину в безбожии

Московский патриарх Кирилл обвинил Украину в безбожии
Московский патриарх Кирилл

Главные события и темы дня 24.04.2015 от информационного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Темы СМИ и соцсетей

  • Московский патриарх Кирилл обвинил Украину в безбожии.
  • Выборы в Польше.
  • Объявлены победители Каннского фестиваля.

May 24, 2015

05/23/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights -"One of the leaders of militants Luhansk ‘republic’ Mozgovoy was killed

One of the leaders of militants Luhansk ‘republic’ Mozgovoy was killed
One of the leaders of militants Luhansk ‘republic’ Mozgovoy was killed

05.23.2015 Daily Highlights  by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine News Agency

Topics from Media and Social Networks

  • One of the leaders of militants Luhansk ‘republic’ Mozgovoy was killed.
  • Singer from Sweden won Eurovision Song Contest-2015.
  • Russia does not intend to restructure the Ukrainian debt.

2015/05/23 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - Hanno ucciso uno dei leader di militanti di Luhansk Mozgovoi

Hanno ucciso uno dei leader di militanti di Luhansk Mozgovoi
Leader di militanti di Luhansk Mozgovoi

I principali eventi e le questioni del giorno 2015/05/23 dall'agenzia di stampa Digest & Analytics Ucraina

Argomenti media e social network

  • Hanno ucciso uno dei leader di militanti di Luhansk Mozgovoi.
  • In finale, di Eurofestival ha vinto il cantante dalla Svezia.
  • La Russia non ha intenzione di ristrutturare il debito dell'Ucraina.

23.05.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - Убито одного із лідерів луганських бойовиків Мозгового

Убито одного із лідерів луганських бойовиків Мозгового
Убито одного із лідерів луганських бойовиків Мозгового

Головні події і теми дня 23.05.2015 від інформаційного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Теми ЗМІ та соцмереж

  • Убито одного із лідерів луганських бойовиків Мозгового.
  • У фіналі Євробачення переміг співак зі Швеції.
  • Росія не збирається реструктуризувати український борг.

23.05.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - Убит один из лидеров луганских боевиков Мозговой

Убит один из лидеров луганских боевиков Мозговой
Командир террористического подразделения "Призрак" Мозговой

Главные события и темы дня 23.05.2015 от информационного агентства Digests & Analytics Ukraine

Темы СМИ и соцсетей

  • Убит один из лидеров луганских боевиков Мозговой.
  • В финале Евровидения победил певец из Швеции.
  • Россия не собирается реструктуризировать долг Украины.

May 23, 2015

05/22/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights -"Cyborg" Kuz'minykh returned from the militants captivity

"Cyborg" Kuzminykh returned from the militants captivity
Lt.Col. Kuz'minykh - commander of "cyborgs" of Donetsk International Airport

05.22.2015 Daily Highlights  by the Digests & Analytics Ukraine News Agency

Topics from Media and Social Networks

  • "Cyborg" Kuz'minykh returned from the militants captivity.
  • Eastern Partnership Summit confirmed the possibility of visa-free regime in the EU for Ukraine and Georgia at the beginning of 2016.
  • Ukraine will receive an additional $ 1.8 billion of macro-financial assistance from the EU.

Key Events in Ukraine

  • The deputies of the Verkhovna Rada passed a law to change the order of the NBU profit transfer to the state budget in the first reading and to ban upfront transfers before the approval of the external auditors of financial statements of the regulator. Profits will be used to replenish reserves of National Bank to 10% of the monetary liabilities.
    The law on increasing of the court fees and the reduction of the number of fee free categories also was also approved in principle. It is also planned to abolish the upper limit of the court fees on property claims.
    Revenue from non-residents transactions with government securities are exempt from taxation.
  • Minister of Social Policy Rozenko said that indexation of pensions in the next year and a half is not planned.
    The IMF stated that it supports the initiative of the Ukrainian government to abolish special pensions for officials including deputies from January 1, 2016.
  • Finance Minister Jaresko claims that the negotiations with creditors on restructuring the state debt made significant progress. Continuation of negotiations is scheduled for next week.
  • The agreement on "open skies" for Ukraine could be signed as early as in June.
  • Germany is ready to give  €200 million for the energy efficiency fund created by Ukraine, under the state guarantees of repayment.
  • Ukraine has imported nearly 1 billion m3 of gas since early May, more than half of import was through Slovakia.
  • The European Union agreed to provide additional  €1,8 bln of macro-financial assistance for Ukraine. The loan will be transferred in three tranches, the first is scheduled for late June. The total amount of European loans granted to Ukraine since 2014 will rise to €3,41 bln.
  • The official rate of hryvnia slightly decreased after two days of growth: 20.84 UAH/USD (+0.16 UAH), 23.26 UAH/EUR (+0,24 UAH), 4.18 UAH/RUR 10 (-0.04 UAH).

Ukraine at War

  • Colonel Kuz'minykh - one of the Donetsk airport "cyborg" was released from captivity.
    During search operations in the Donetsk airport few bodies of its defenders were found.
  • The court arrested two Russian paratroopers captured during combat in Schastya for two months for the duration of the investigation.
  • Stanitsa Luganska was under fire of heavy artillery. Fighting continues in the vicinity of Donetsk and Gorlivka. The Contact Group said that ceasefire in Shirokino is achieved.
  • According to official report, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and 12 injured.
  • Defense Ministry denies Amnesty International reports of torture of prisoners. Security Service of Ukraine is ready to provide information to international organizations about tortures of Ukrainian military hostages by militants.
  • Ministry of Agrarian Policy requests to block the supply of food from occupied territories and the Crimea to address the issue of quality control of these products and considers such supply as a security threat.
  • Militants DPR allowed local residents to have weapons with caliber of less than 11.43 mm, subject to registration.

Ukraine and the World

  • Eastern Partnership countries, despite the opposition of Belarus and Armenia confirmed the illegal annexation of the Crimea by Russia and demanded the unconditional implementation of the Minsk agreements as well as restoration of the territorial integrity of Ukraine in the final declaration of the summit.
  • EU visas for Ukrainians  may be abolished from the beginning of 2016. By the end of December 2015 the European Commission will publish the evaluation report of the implementation of actions by Ukraine and Georgia to abolish the visa regime.
  • Eastern Partnership Summit confirmed that the Free Trade between ​​the EU and Ukraine will be open from 1 January 2016.
  • US allowed to use free internet service in the Crimea. Any commercial use of the content and commercial software are prohibited.
  • Russian Prime Minister Medvedev threatened tough measures for Ukraine if it refuses to repay the debts of the regime of Yanukovych. He believes that the moratorium imposed by Ukrainian government a is a sign of default.
  • Eastern Partnership Summit endorsed the creation of the "Southern Gas Corridor" - a gas pipeline from the Caspian region bypassing Russia.
  • Saudi Arabia announced plans to stop oil production and transition to the production of solar electricity by 2040 and wants to become a global player on this market.
  • Russia plans to build a high-voltage line to the Crimea until the end of the year.

The Trends

  • President Poroshenko tries to blame Ministry of Interior and other relevant services for the failure of measures to abolish the visa regime with the EU.
    High inflation, the rise in consumer prices due to the devaluation of the national currency, the growth of tariffs for electricity and gas prices were costly to the Ukrainian economy, which has shown a tendency to collapse. Income inequality between different categories of the population increased over the past year.
  • The way out can be a sharp reduction in government spending, creating the most favorable conditions for the development of private business, particularly for micro- and family businesses, and the redistribution of financial flows for the provision of targeted social assistance.