February 23, 2015

2015/02/22 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - A Kharkiv durante gli eventi per l'anniversario di Maidan compiuto attacco terroristico

A Kharkov durante gli eventi per l'anniversario di Maidan compiuto attacco terroristico

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 2014/02/22 dall'agenzia di stampa "Digest & Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

A Kharkiv durante gli eventi per l'anniversario di Maidan compiuto attacco terroristico. I militanti non hanno iniziato il ritiro di attrezzature pesanti da linea di combattimenti. Nelle vicinanze di Mariupol continuano pesanti combattimenti.

22.02.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - У Харкові під час заходів у річницю Майдану здійснено теракт

У Харкові під час заходів у річницю Майдану здійснено теракт

Головні події і теми дня 22.02.2014 від інформаційного агентства "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

Теми дня 

У Харкові під час заходів у річницю Майдану здійснено теракт. Бойовики не почали відведення важкої техніки від лінії бойових дій. Під Маріуполем ідуть важкі бої.

22.02.2015 Украина: Главные темы дня - В Харькове во время мероприятий в годовщину Майдана совершен теракт

В Харькове во время мероприятий в годовщину Майдана совершен теракт
Главные события и темы дня 22.02.2014 от информационного агентства “Digests & Analytics Ukraine”

Темы дня 

В Харькове во время мероприятий в годовщину Майдана совершен теракт. Боевики не начали отвод тяжелой техники от линии боевых действий. Под Мариуполем идут тяжелые бои.

22/02/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - A terrorist attack took place in Kharkov during the commemoration of the Maidan’s anniversary

A terrorist attack took place in Kharkov during the commemoration of the Maidan’s anniversary

02/22/2014 Daily Highlights by "Digests & Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the day 

A terrorist attack took place in Kharkov during the commemoration of the Maidan’s anniversary. Militants haven’t started the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the battle line. Fierce fighting continues near Mariupol .

2015/02/21 Ucraina: I principali eventi e temi del giorno - 140 militari ucraini stati scambiati per 52 militanti di DNR e LNR

140 militari ucraini stati scambiati per 52 militanti di DNR e LNR

Grandi eventi e argomenti del giorno 2015/02/21 dall'agenzia di stampa "Digest & Analytics - Ucraina"

Argomenti del giorno

140 militari ucraini stati scambiati per 52 militanti di DNR e LNR. La Russia ha mostrato l'ex presidente Yanukovich. I militanti hanno annunciato il ritiro delle armi pesanti dalla linea del confronto.

February 22, 2015

21/02/2015 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - 140 Ukrainian servicemen exchanged for 52 militants of DPR and LPR

140 Ukrainian servicemen exchanged for 52 militants of DPR and LPR

02/21/2015 Daily Highlights by the "Digests & Analytics - Ukraine" News Agency

Topics of the Day

140 Ukrainian servicemen exchanged for 52 militants of DPR and LPR. Former President Yanukovych’s speech has been shown on Russian TV. The militants announced the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the battle lines in Eastern Ukraine.

Key Events of Ukraine

  • President Poroshenko appointed a former manager, the head of his administration Lozhkin as a governor of Zaporozhye region.
  • Interior Minister Avakov said that Ukraine has sent a request to the US for arms and awaiting the decision of the President of the United States. According to Foreign Minister Klimkin, Ukraine needs antitank systems, transportation, electronic warfare and intelligence.
  • State Statistics Service reported that the volume of retail trade turnover in 2014 decreased by almost a quarter.
  • SBU stripped of accreditation more than 100 Russian media companies in Ukrainian government structures.

Kyiv Life

  • SBU hold an exhibition named "Presence" with the evidence of Russian aggression in Ukraine at St. Michael's Square.

Ukraine at War

  • After the end of Debaltseve operation, militants hardware is being moved in the directions of possible further attacks. Sharply intensified shelling of Avdeyevka, attacks on Shirokino around Mariupol do not stop. Ukrainian army positions were attacked and bombed dozens of times.
  • Russian troops carry out intensive air reconnaissance using UAVs.
  • Defense Minister Poltorak said that 2130 Ukrainian soldiers successfully withdraw from the Debaltseve foothold.
  • According to media, the leaders of the DPR and LPR agreed to withdraw heavy artillery systems from the battle line. The OSCE mission has no information about the routes and new locations of weapons.
  • 140 Ukrainian troops exchanged for 52 militants of DPR and LPR. The total number of Ukrainian military and civilians held by militants is unknown.
  • During a speech on the Russian TV channels, former President Yanukovych said he was ready to return to Ukraine and to lead the protest movement. Former Prime Minister Azarov said he is ready to create a Ukrainian government in exile.

Ukraine and the World

  • The head of the US State Department Carrie and British Foreign Secretary Hammond discussed a possibility of tougher sanctions against Russia in response to its cynical violation of the Minsk agreements and support of the militants in the Donbass. Kerry said that President Obama will take the decision about granting arms to Ukraine in the coming days.
  • Polish President supports the introduction of UN peacekeepers in Ukraine. German MEP Harms argues that the introduction of peacekeepers will freeze the conflict in the Donbass.
  • Greece reached an agreement with the European creditors to continue the program of financial assistance in exchange for the continuation of reforms, a fight against corruption and tax evasion. This significantly reduces the risk of default for the country.


  • Experts warn that the withdrawal of heavy weapons by the Ukrainian army could be used to capture new territories by militants under the disguise of "uncontrolled armed groups."

21.02.2015 Україна: Головні теми доби - 140 українських військовослужбовців обміняли на 52 бойовика ДНР і ЛНР

140 українських військовослужбовців обміняли на 52 бойовика ДНР і ЛНР

Головні події і теми дня 21.02.2015 від інформаційного агентства "Digests & Analytics Ukraine"

Теми дня

140 українських військовослужбовців обміняли на 52 бойовика ДНР і ЛНР. Росія продемонструвала колишнього президента Януковича. Бойовики оголосили про відведення важких озброєнь від лінії протистояння.