August 19, 2014

18/08/2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Donbass terrorists receive powerful weapons such as multiple rocket launchers “Uragan”


  • Luhansk mayor, who had been collaborating with terrorists and have been recently captured by Aydar battalion, was reelased from detention by the court.
  • National Bank slightly strengthened Ukrainian hryvnia: 13.07 UAH / 1$ (+6 cop), 17.50 UAH / 1€ (+6 cop), 3.63 UAH / 10 RUR (+1 cop).
  • As terrorists weren’t able to guarantee security to the Red Cross specialists, customs clearance of the “humanitarian aid” haven’t been performed yet. Ukrainian border guards prevented the attempt of several Russian trucks to enter Ukraine through the checkpoint “Izvaryno”.
  • As reported by the Washington Post, “Motor Sich” company from Zaporizhya continue to supply Russia with military produce.


  • Kyiv authorities launched the investment competition on creation of the major network of points of sales, with direct access to consumers by the bread producers, aimed to prevent sharp price increases for the social types of bread.

War in Ukraine

  • As per official reports from NSDC, fights are ongoing in the center of Luhans’k, Stanitsa Luhanska, Ilovays’k, as well as in the outskirts of Donets’k.
    Donbass terrorists receive powerful weapons such as multiple rocket launchers “Uragan”, use of prohibited by the international conventions antipersonnel mine cassette ammunition have been evidenced. Russia supply hundreds of heavy ammunition, armored technique, artillery systems and mercenaries to Donbass, through parts of the border uncontrolled by Ukrainian troops. Technique is being supplied without the license plates, mercenaries carry no insignia. Russia put surface-to-air missile systems on their side, that prevents the use of Ukrainian aviation in the borderline zones.
  • Water supply to Donets’k was cut as terrorists damaged  main filtration station. 94 settlements have been cut from electricity supply within the Donets’k region, around half a million of inhabitants are cut off from the electricity supply, as reported by the region authorities.
  • Organized refugees column was shelled by terrorists with multiple rocket launcher “Grad”, dozens of civilians were killed, including children. As stated by the head of the polish humanitarian mission this accident could be recognized as the crime against humanity.


  • Energy Minister of Ukraine Prodan met with the Deputy Minister of Energy of the US, questions of energy security during absence of gas supply from Russia were discussed and participation of the US specialists to the work of the anticrisis energy council agreed.
  • As reported by the Eurostat, since the beginning of the year export of goods from the EU member states to Russia declined by -14%, import from Russia by -7%.
  • Bulgaria fully stopped construction of the “South Stream” pipeline until the project will not comply with the European legislation.
  • Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Klimkin, announced during the breeding, that German Chancellor Merkel will come to Ukraine with special visit on 23rd of August. He also stressed that during negotiations in Berlin Russia refused to recognize facts of ammunition and mercenaries supply through its border, shillings of Ukrainian territory, as well as to allow effective border control by the OSCE observers.
  • Verkhovna Rada speaker Turchynov during the joint press conference of the parliament spacers in Lithuania stressed, that compromises with aggressors hadn’t ever led to anything good. Ukraine is ready to protect Europe from Russian aggression but arms supply is necessary.
  • European Union is ready to provide Ukraine with extra financial aid for refugees and re-settled subjects from the east of Ukraine, as confirmed by the EU representative responsible for humanitarian aspects and civil defense during the meeting with the Vice-Prime Minister Groysman.
  • Prime Minister of Finland stressed that provision of the military aid to Ukraine from the side of the EU is impossible.
  • OSCE observers, responsible for monitoring of the situation in Ukraine, will be provided by surveillance drones not earlier than by the end of the month.
  • As reported by the Radio Liberty, anti Ukrainian propaganda in Russia have been just launched on children’s channels.


  • Intensive preparation of troops for the winter campaign is ongoing from Russian and Ukrainian sides.
  • Russia has no other option to resolve the transport connection with Crimeas but through the land route through Ukraine.

Хроніка подій дня 18.08.2014 від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести і Аналітика Україна"

У Донбасі у терористів на озброєнні з'явилися потужні системи залпового вогню "Ураган"

В Україні

  • Затриманого бійцями добровольчого батальйону "Айдар" мера Луганська, що співробітничав з терористами, суд випустив на свободу.
  • Нацбанк трохи зміцнив курс гривні: 13,07 грн/$ (+6 коп), 17,50 грн/€ (+6 коп), 3,63 грн/10 руб (+1 коп).
  • У зв'язку з відсутністю гарантій фахівцям Червоного Хреста з боку бойовиків, митне оформлення "гуманітарної допомоги" не проводилось. Українські прикордонники припинили спробу прориву частини вантажівок з Росії через пункт пропуску "Ізварине".
  • За повідомленням "The Washington Post" запорізький завод "Мотор-Січ" продовжує постачання продукції військового призначення до Росії.

Хроника событий дня 18.08.2014 от информационного агентства “Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина”

В Донбассе у террористов на вооружении появились мощные системы залпового огня “Ураган

В Украине

  • Задержанного бойцами добровольческого батальона “Айдар” мэр Луганска, сотрудничавшего с террористами, суд выпустил на свободу.
  • Нацбанк слегка укрепил курс гривны: 13,07 грн/$ (+6 коп), 17,50 грн/€ (+6  коп), 3,63 грн/10 руб (+1 коп).
  • В связи с отсутствием гарантий специалистам Красного Креста со стороны боевиков, таможенное оформление “гуманитарной помощи” не проводилось. Украинские пограничники пресекли попытку прорыва части грузовиков из России через пункт пропуска “Изварино”.
  • По сообщению “The Washington Post” запорожский завод “Мотор-Сич” продолжает поставки продукции военного назначения в Россию.

August 18, 2014

11-17.08.2014 Weekly Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

11-17.08.2014 - Ukraine Weekly Highlights
War in Ukraine
  • Cities of Donbass slide into chaos due to continuous terrorists shelling - water and electricity supply have been cut of in Luhansk since two weeks, water supply have been as well cut in Donetsk. Residential areas being chaotically shelled, civilians being killed. Terrorists blast bridges and railroads, systematically destroying the region infrastructure. Antiterrorist Operation Forces opened humanitarian corridors to let civilians leave the battlegrounds, but militants bar the evacuation, considering to use civilians as a live shield.
  • Fights are ongoing in regional centers of Donbass - Donetsk and Luhansk. Ukrainian army took over the control of Maryinka, Yuasinuvata, Panteleymonovka, Zhdanovka and Uglegorsk.

Події тижня 11-17 серпня 2014р від інформаційного агентства "Дайджести і Аналітика Україна"

11-17 серпня 2014 - події тижня в Україні

Театр військових дій

  • Міста Донбасу під обстрілами терористів скочуються в хаос - у Луганську два тижні немає води і електрики, не вивозиться сміття, в Донецьку також відключено водопостачання. Бойовики обстрілюють житлові квартали, гинуть мирні жителі. Терористи підривають мости і залізничні колії, планомірно руйнують інфраструктуру регіону.
    Сили антитерористичної операції відкрили гуманітарні коридори для виходу мирних жителів із зони боїв, проте бойовики перешкоджають евакуації, розраховуючи використовувати населення як живий щит.
  • Бойові дії йдуть в обласних центрах Донбасу - Донецьку та Луганську. Взяті під контроль української армії Мар'їнка, Ясинувата, Пантелеймонівка, Жданівка, Вуглегірськ.

События недели 11-17 августа 2014г от информационного агентства “Дайджесты и Аналитика Украина”

События недели 11-17 августа 2014 г в Украине
Театр военных действий
  • Города Донбасса под обстрелами террористов скатываются в хаос - в Луганске две недели нет воды и электричества, не вывозится мусор, в Донецке также отключено водоснабжение. Беспорядочным обстрелам подвергаются жилые кварталы, гибнут мирные жители. Террористы взрывают мосты и железнодорожные пути, планомерно разрушают инфраструктуру региона.
    Силы антитеррористической операции открыли гуманитарные коридоры для выхода мирных жителей из зоны боев, однако боевики препятствуют эвакуации, рассчитывая использовать население в качестве живого щита.
  • Боевые действия идут в областных центрах Донбасса - Донецке и Луганске. Взяты под контроль украинской армии Марьинка, Ясиноватая, Пантелеймоновка, Ждановка, Углегорск.

17/08/2014 Daily Highlights by “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

No agreement have been reached during the quadrilateral meeting of Foreign Ministers of Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia, on Donbass crisis resolution, in Berlin.
  • First part of trucks with Russian «humanitarian aid» reached the customs checkpoint Izvaryno. OSCE experts will check the shipment on monday or tuesday, transfer of goods will be performed only through the International Red Cross. Humanitarian aid, provided by Ukraine, is being already distributed by the Red Cross in 10 cities of Luhansk region.
  • Slovyans'k inhabitants during the meeting decided to dismantle the monument of Lenin, as well as stressed subversive terrorists groups are acting in the city, as well as within the zone liberated by the Ukrainian army.