October 30, 2014

29/10/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the EU are still ongoing and will continue on 30 of October

Газовые переговоры между Россией, Украиной и ЕС не завершены и будут продолжены 30 октября

29/10/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Winners of the early elections have different views on coalition formation principles. Natural gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the EU are still ongoing and will continue on 30 of October. Russian army and DPR & LPR terrorists could start a new offensive in the nearest future.

October 22, 2014

21/10/2014 Ukraine: Daily Highlights - Another round of gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the EU failed to deliver any results in Brussels

Очередной раунд газовых переговоров России, Украины и ЕС в Брюсселе завершился безрезультатно

21/10/2014 Daily Highlights from “Digests & Analytics Ukraine” News Agency

Another round of gas talks between Russia, Ukraine and the EU failed to deliver any results in Brussels. Ukraine is preparing to step up production of weapons and to military equipment modernization. The law on criminal proceedings in absentia is approved.

September 28, 2014

2014/09/27 Ucraina: A colpo d'occhio - Visita ufficiale del Ministro del Commercio degli Stati Uniti a Kiev - un segnale positivo per l'economia Ucraina.

Cronaca di eventi della giornata di 2014/09/27 Agenzia Informativa "Digest e Analytics Ucraina"

Visita ufficiale del Ministro del Commercio degli Stati Uniti a Kiev - un segnale positivo per l'economia Ucraina. Kolomoysky, a differenza del resto degli oligarchi non va alle urne e chiede la deregolamentazione della gestione finanziaria in Ucraina. I militanti che continuano ad attaccare le posizioni di truppe ucraine,non gli disturba dichiarata "tregua".